WoPeD 3.9.2 (2024/02/22) - Added autosave feature in editor - Removed registration dialog and menu item (WoPeD community server no more supported) WoPeD 3.9.1 (2021/12/19) - Bug in time model of capacity planning fixed WoPeD 3.9.0 (2021/11/10) - YAWL export interface added - Additional NLP features (bullet lists in P2T, label normalization in T2P, ...) WoPeD 3.8.0 (2021/01/09) - Migrated source code to work on Java 11+ runtime environments - Uncoupled P2T and T2P webservices - Smaller bug fixes WoPeD 3.7.1 (2018/08/01) - P2T can now handle workflow net operators - HTML and CSV output of quantitative simulation logs - Improved P2T webservice interface - More meaningful messages and translations - Re-enabled BPEL tab in editor window - Bug fixes and clean-ups - New default URLs or P2T and T2P webservice - Better-looking AWT FileDialog used for MacOS WoPeD 3.7.0 (2018/06/26) - Webservice support for Text2Process - Enhanced T2P GUI - Nicer icons for P2T and T2P - Bug fixes WoPeD 3.6.1 (2017/11/23) - Improved Apromore import (requires server of AProMoRe release 1.1.0 or higher) - Added XES log export to quantitative simulation (thanks to Joerg Evermann) - Fixed bug with ArcPropertyDialog position in scroll mode - Fixed bug with CG construction fail in case of nodes with same label - Removed access to outdated features of BPEL export - Tidy up some GUI features WoPeD 3.6.0 (2017/05/22) - New coverability graph assistant with interactive construction - Added feature for using arc weights in Petri net models - Minor bug fixes WoPeD 3.5.3 (2017/01/24) - Fixed bug in TransitionPropertyEditor concerning resource trigger and enabling of service time settings - Fixed bug in showing contributors in About dialog WoPeD 3.5.2 (2016/11/22) - Fixed bug in token game with XORSplitJoin operator - Various small bugfixes WoPeD 3.5.1 (2016/07/05) - Bug fix with AProMoRe server settings dialog - Minimum Java requirement now is Java 8 WoPeD 3.5.0 (2016/06/17) - Improved AProMoRe import/export interface - Added interactive Process2Text interface - Added new quantitative simulation dashboard - Extended configuration dialogs for AProMoRe, P2T and dashboard - Lots of small bug fixes WoPeD 3.2.0 (2014/05/31) - Redesign of MacOS user interface - Added keyboard shortcuts for relevant GUI functions - Redesign of built-in help browser - Integration of interface to AProMoRe server (import and export) - WoPeD help to be displayed over standard web browser - Bug fixes WoPeD 3.1.0 (2013/03/27) - Added community features (linkage to WoPeD forum and FAQ on website) - Registration dialog popping up periodically - BPEL export fixed (although still experimental) - Many adaptions towards a better looking GUI on all platforms - Some new icons including "rounded" taskbar/dock icon - Lots of small bug fixes WoPeD 3.0.2 (2013/01/02) - Bugfix in setup dialog (Windows shortcut settings) on 64 bit architecture - Popup dialog added to start WoPeD immediately after setup - Language selection in setup tool is transferred to language selection of WoPeD - Bugfix in GUI language settings of configuration dialog - Closing now possible for editor frames "lost" behind the ribbon bar - GUI looks even better on Linux and MacOS - Many small bugfixes WoPeD 3.0.1 (2012/12/21) - Bugfix in setup dialog - Bugfix in transition property dialog when changen trigger or operator type - Bugfix in operator transition context menu now showing also triggers - File chooser remembers last accessed folder - Mac OS menu bar entries are now working WoPeD 3.0.0 (2012/10/01) - New GUI in Flamingo Ribbon style - More convenient preference panel - Improved editor sidebar management - Improvement of semantic check wizards - Bugfixes in undo/redo and cut/copy/paste - Bugfixes in editor marquee handling - Improved code stability by adding JUnit testing - Native MacOS installer package - Java 7 runtime compatibility - Lots of small bugfixes WoPeD 2.6.0 (2011/06/06) - Support for process metrics including metrics editor - Layout beautifier for workflow nets - Graphical representation of resource model - PNML files without coordinates can be handled as well - Fixed bug when restarting token game - Many small bugfixes WoPeD 2.5.0 (2010/26/02) - Re-implementation of all semantical analysis algorithms in Java (no more Woflan needed) - Switchable usage of Woflan.dll/Woflan.exe oder WoPeD-own algorithms - New semantical analysis sidebar dialog - Semantical analysis wizard for "normal" users - Net orientation switcher (horizontal / vertical layout) - Operator orientation for transitions can be changed - Check of initial marking before qualitative analysis starts - Many small bugfixes WoPeD 2.3.1 (2009/11/21) - Fixed bug with arc deletion - Element ports are now only visible on mouse-over WoPeD 2.3.0 (2009/07/21) - Complete refactoring of quantitative analysis - Fixed bug with subprocess step-in token game - Fixed bug with TPN and BPEL export WoPeD 2.2.0 (2009/03/20) - Added toolbar-driven token game control - New drag'n'drop resource editor with high usability - Version-specific WoPeD user directory (folder ".WoPeD-3.9.2" in user home directory) - Coloring of matching operator pairs ("understandability" research project) - Enhanced synchronization between RG window and token game - New algorithm for checking well-structuredness - Extended help text and first steps towards bilingual content (English/German) - Minor bug fixes WoPeD 2.0.1 (2008/12/03) - Fixed problem with TPN export (missing tokens) - Fixed bug in working directory management (now uses standard directory in $USERHOME/.WoPeD/nets) - Fixed library path problem when starting WoPeD by clicking directly on a PNML file WoPeD 2.0.0 (2008/11/05) - BPEL export - New simulator "remote control" - Option to run WoPeD as a Java applet - Reachability/coverability graph visualization - Extended help - Lots of small bug fixes - New MacOS installer WoPeD 1.6.1 (2008/06/14) - Bugfix with transition operator change WoPeD 1.6.0 (2007/11/16) - Quantitative analysis (simulation and visual evaluation) - On-the-fly change of operator types (AND/XOR-split/join) - Visual optimization for MacOS platform - Improvements of editor usability - Some more small bug fixes WoPeD 1.5.0 (2007/06/11) - Subprocess editing environment - Quantitative analysis (capacity planning) - Move to Java 5 as minimum requirement - Tokengame is subprocess-aware (step-over/step-into) - Enhanced process structure treeview in editor sidebar - Combined XOR/AND operators now fully implemented - Complete GUI facelifting (icons, dialogs, editor usability, logo and many more) - Refactoring and bugfixing in soundness analysis - Added help contents for new functions - Architectural redesign of graph renderer classes - Many small bug fixes WoPeD 1.0.1 (2007/01/22) - Fixed error with arc points loss in preset of operator transitions - Upgrade Woflan.dll (bugfix) WoPeD 1.0.0 (2007/01/02) - Profound architectural redesign - Many bug fixes - Added resource editor tab to main editor - Added enhanced transition and place property editors including resource mapping - Added combined transition operators (XOR-join/XOR-split, AND-join/AND-split) - Resource model is stored in toolspecific part of PNML - Structural analysis by Java algorithms (workflow-net, free-choice, well-handled, ...) - Better integration of Woflan analysis results (soundness, boundedeness, ...) - Direct mapping between analysis and editor - Updated help manual - Usability enhancements WoPeD 0.8.1 (2005/06/17) - Major bug fixes WoPeD 0.8.0 (2005/03/28) - First official binary release WoPeD untagged versions - Since May 2003